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Best Bee Brothers Bee Blog — Prevent Carpenter Bees

Spring Cleaning Pest Control Checklist

Prevent Carpenter Bees

Spring Cleaning Pest Control Checklist

Spring is the perfect time to practice pest prevention in your home and yard to keep pesky creatures from causing damage. Read on to learn tips and tricks to exclude common invaders and send them packing.

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Best Spring Prep to Avoid Carpenter Bees

About Carpenter Bees Prevent Carpenter Bees

Best Spring Prep to Avoid Carpenter Bees

Spring has either arrived or will arrive soon, with warm weather, sunshine and the sound (or buzzing!) of nature all around. It’s time to take action to keep carpenter bees away from your home. If you dealt with carpenter bees last season, read on for easy steps to a summer free of carpenter bees and the stress they cause. If you don’t yet have an infestation, or you recently moved into a new home and aren’t sure if there were past issues, we recommend you follow the same steps for the best protection.   Four Steps to Prepare Your Home...

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Where to Place Bee Lodges

Bee Lodge Prevent Carpenter Bees

Where to Place Bee Lodges

Solitary mason bees are effective pollinators that can keep your garden flourishing. You can help them set up camp in your yard by providing them with a place to stay. Learn why and how a bee hotel or bee lodge can help pollinators – and you!

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Why Are Bees Drilling Holes in My Wood Siding?

About Carpenter Bees Prevent Carpenter Bees Repair Carpenter Bee Damage

Why Are Bees Drilling Holes in My Wood Siding?

Carpenter bees use their powerful mandibles to drill holes into the wood in circular motions. Over time, this results in a network of internal tunnels and chambers. But their reason for doing so may not be what you think. Learn why wood bees drill holes.

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Does WD40 Kill Carpenter Bees?

About Carpenter Bees Bug Facts Chemical Free Prevent Carpenter Bees

Does WD40 Kill Carpenter Bees?

Over the years, we have heard a lot of customers say they tried to use WD-40 to kill carpenter bees. If you are familiar with us, you wouldn’t be surprised that we don’t advocate using WD-40 due to the chemicals in the spray. But does WD-40 actually kill carpenter bees?

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