How to Get Rid of No-See-Ums

What Are No-See-Ums?
No-see-ums, tiny flies known as biting midges, biting gnats or sand flies, can sometimes be difficult to spot due to their small size, especially when they haven’t fed. Just like mosquitoes, the females bite for the blood they need to produce fertile eggs, which they then lay in moist places. Typically no-see-ums are attracted to moist, damp places and feed on plant nectar. Female no-see-ums have also been known to be attracted to light.
Where Are No-See-Ums Found?
No-see-ums can usually be found in gardens and near ponds, forests and other outdoor areas, especially near water.
The no-see-um has a four-stage life cycle: egg, larva, pupa and adult. After mating, females can lay hundreds of eggs and may breed several times during their life cycle. These pesky insects prefer to have their breeding grounds located in wet sand and other humid environments.
No-see-ums are most active in early mornings and evenings of mid to late summer. The southern United States are the first to see no-see-ums due to the warmer weather and humidity, and Florida and the Gulf Coast contend with these pests year-round.
No-See-Ums Prevention
No-see-ums can be quite annoying, and some species (none currently found in the US)1 can transmit pathogens through bloodsucking. But because of their very small size, they can be harder to trap than other flies. Fortunately, there are different methods you can use to avoid or get rid of no-see-ums:
Spraying for No-See-Ums
Instead of spraying harsh insecticide chemicals around your home or property, a method that may harm other nontarget animals, applying a no-see-um repellent to your skin can keep these pests from biting in the first place. Our Shake + Shield No-See-Um Repellent can deter no-see-ums thanks to a powerful mixture of peppermint, lemongrass and geranium essential oils. Once applied, these sprays, made with active ingredients from plants, can provide several hours of protection.
CO2 Traps
These types of traps trick no-see-ums by releasing CO2 (carbon dioxide), the same gas animals and people produce when exhaling and that no-see-ums are attracted to. Some traps also use an additional scent to lure the insect. Once no-see-ums get close enough, they are captured by a vacuum or adhesive.

Having your AC running to cool down and dry out the air inside your home can deter no-see-ums from getting inside your property, as they avoid cold temperatures and low humidity.
No-see-ums are tiny (smaller than an eighth inch long).2 If you keep windows open, double-check that your window screens are free of holes and other damage, and replace or repair them as needed. You may want to install screens with finer mesh to keep these minuscule pests outside your home, or try fine mosquito netting on a patio or around a pergola to stay protected while enjoying your outdoor space.
Passive deterrents like screens and AC can help keep you free of no-see-um bites inside and your home. But if you’re tired of no-see-ums and other pests spoiling your outdoor fun, try Best Bee Brothers® sprays and other bug-repelling products. Learn more about how to keep yourself and your family safe from other biting insects all year-round by checking out the tips and tricks in our informative blog!
- Catherine A. Hill, and John F. MacDonald, “Biting Midges: Biology and Public Health Risk,” July 2013, Purdue Extension,
- C. Roxanne Connelly, “Common Name: Biting Midges, No-See-Ums; Scientific Name: Culicoides spp. (Insecta: Diptera: Ceratopogonidae),” EENY-349, Featured Creatures, University of Florida Entomology,