How To Keep Mosquitoes Away Naturally
Go beyond traditional mosquito repellent and use a layered approach to prevention outdoors. From common-sense passive methods like mosquito netting to more novel tools like bug zappers and incense,...

How to Make Mosquito Repellent Bracelets
Bugged by mosquitoes every summer but hate to use insect sprays? Convenient, wearable, mess-free mosquito bracelets will keep those pesky interlopers at bay. Make your own using essential oils with...

Natural Predators of Mosquitoes
Mosquito Predators: What Eats Mosquitoes? You know the routine by now: buzz, buzz, itch, buzz, itch, itch…Every year, mosquitoes annoy us, buzzing in our ears when the weather warms up and biting u...

Do All-Natural Mosquito Sticks Actually Repel Mosquitoes?
What does the word “incense” conjure up in your mind? If you’re imagining meditation retreats or religious ceremonies, you might be missing out on an effective insect repellent. The first incense ...

How to Keep Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard
Preparing for Mosquito Season Mosquito season typically starts when the weather warms up. Not only are mosquitoes annoying, but they can also spread disease. When and how to prepare for Mosquitoe...

Year-Round Yard Protection Protect Yourself and Your Yard with a Mosquito Bundle Kit! Mosquitoes are nothing if not persistent. Insect-repelling sprays can help protect your skin, but they won’t ke...