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Best Bee Brothers Bee Blog

Tick-Repellent Bracelets: Are They Really Effective and How Do They Work?

Chemical Free Mosquito Repellent Tick Repellent

Tick-Repellent Bracelets: Are They Really Effective and How Do They Work?

Did you know that certain natural oils are shown to repel ticks? In studies supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, many natural plant-derived ingredients were found to be effective tick repellents. Among those supported in the studies are peppermint, thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, and lemongrass essential oils.1 Lavender is also generally regarded as a great repellent for many kinds of insects.2 Most of these same oils are in our mosquito-repelling Bug Bands. The powerful essential oil capsules in these bracelets are packed with lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, silvery wormwood, and chamomile. Not only are they effective at repelling...

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Do Carpenter Bees Eat Wood?

About Carpenter Bees

Do Carpenter Bees Eat Wood?

Contrary to popular belief, carpenter bees do not eat wood! On the front of the female’s head is a set of large mandibles. With these she is able to vibrate against the grain of the wood and carve out a tunnel. After the female removes a bit of wood fiber, she pushes it out of the tunnel. Traces of wood shavings that look much like sawdust around the tunnel or directly below it are a telltale sign of a carpenter bee nest.   So what do carpenter bees actually eat? Like all other bees, they eat nectar and pollen.  Because of...

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The Best Mosquito Repellent for Camping

Chemical Free Mosquito Repellent

The Best Mosquito Repellent for Camping

Did you know certain people are more prone to get bit by mosquitoes than others? Even if you don't fall into the group of those who mosquitoes seem to love more, you too can be bit by mosquitoes. No matter who you are and where you are, it's best to be prepared. We're sharing the best bug sprays and all-natural repellents for the campsite, any other place you can find mosquitoes. Bug Sprays and All-Natural Repellents for Campground Mosquito Control Summer is the best season to spend time outside, but pesky bugs chase many people away from enjoying outdoor activities...

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Mason Bees & Pollination

Bee Lodge Bee Trap Accessories Chemical Free Mason Bees

Mason Bees & Pollination

How Do Mason Bees Pollinate and How To Attract Them To Your Garden Mason bees are truly wonderful, gentle bees. Like carpenter bees, they are solitary bees, meaning they do not live in hives or colonies. Instead, a single female will build a nest in a pre-existing crevasse or a hollow stick. True to its name, the mason bee uses mud and other natural materials to construct its nest. The male mason bees die shortly after mating. The female mason bee will go on to lay her eggs in several different nests over the season.1 Mason bees are even better...

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Carpenter Bees and Wasps

About Carpenter Bees Wasps

Carpenter Bees and Wasps

Do Carpenter Bees Keep Wasps Away or Vice Versa? During the carpenter bee season we get a handful of customers who experience wasps or hornets in their carpenter bee traps and aren’t sure what to do. These visitors are not that surprising but should be treated as unwelcome guests. While wasps aren’t deterred by the smell of carpenter bees, carpenter bees will fly away from the scent of a wasp.    If you notice a wasp fly into your carpenter bee trap, determine if it has been trapped in the bottom or is flying in and out of the upper...

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