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Best Bee Brothers Bee Blog

Natural Gnat Prevention Methods

Natural Gnat Prevention Methods

No More Gnats! Even though most gnats are not considered to be harmful or disease spreaders, they can still be quite annoying. Thankfully there are several ways to eliminate these bugs, which thrive in fungus and moisture. How can I get rid of gnats? There are several methods you can use to help you get rid of gnats without resorting to harmful pesticides, ranging from low-tech flyswatters to electronic devices to natural solutions you can make at home. Flyswatters These low-tech devices are usually lightweight, flexible racquet-like objects with a flat, perforated surface and a flexible handle, which allows quick...

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Black Bees Found in California

About Carpenter Bees

Black Bees Found in California

Carpenter Bees Found in California California seems to be the state that has it all – beautiful coastlines, mountains, Hollywood, and…a variety of carpenter bees! While the most common species of carpenter bee in the United States is the virginica, if you live in California and are trying to identify your carpenter bees, you may be thinking you’ve got the wrong pest. Not one of the species commonly found in California resembles the typical carpenter bee on the other side of the Rocky Mountains. That’s because California bees belong to two completely different species – the Xylocopa californica and Xylocopa...

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Costs of Hiring an Exterminator for Carpenter Bee Treatment

Costs of Hiring an Exterminator for Carpenter Bee Treatment

Carpenter Bee Treatment Costs Using Exterminator Having carpenter bees nearby can be annoying, especially if they are acting territorial, buzzing around your head. But they are even more annoying when they are destroying your home by building extensive nests in your wood! Time to call an exterminator for carpenter bees? If you are struggling with a carpenter bee infestation, you might be considering calling a professional to help remove the pests from your property. Many exterminators advertise that they are experts at removing carpenter bees, or wood bees. An exterminator might be effective in killing carpenter bees, but how much...

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Do Carpenter Bees Burrow or Nest Underground?

Do Carpenter Bees Burrow or Nest Underground?

Carpenter bees do not nest anywhere but in wooden tunnels or hollowed-out sticks. However, it is estimated that 70% of the 20,000 bee species in North America do nest underground. It’s no mystery why we get asked about ground-nesting bees every year. These nests are easy to identify. Usually, there is a mound of fresh dirt with a concave entrance hole in the center. (1) Both solitary and social bees nest underground. It’s estimated 70% off the bee species in North America nest in the ground. Not wood structures like carpenter bees. Solitary bees, with one female and male per...

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When Should I Replace My Carpenter Bee Traps?

Best Bee Trap

When Should I Replace My Carpenter Bee Traps?

Carpenter Bee Trap Lifespan & Warning Signs The Best Bee Trap and the Pine Wood Carpenter Bee Box Trap generally require replacement every 2–3 years. This number can vary depending on the trap’s exposure to the elements and whether the trap was left out over winter. The longer the trap is outside, the faster it will deteriorate. Remember, the trap is built to attract carpenter bees only. It is made of softwood and emits a natural scent. The traps are made without chemicals that can deter carpenter bees, so there is no protectant on the wood and no heavy-duty glues...

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