Learn about carpenter bee and wasps traps including differences, best traps to use, & more. Keep the carpenter bees and wasps away with Best Bee Brothers today!
If carpenter bees are buzzing around your log home or cabin, Best Bee Brothers can help! Learn how to identify carpenter bee damage and how our products can help repair and prevent it.
What is the no mow movement, and how can you get involved? Learn how not mowing your lawn can help backyard pollinators while saving time and resources.
Is it a mason bee, carpenter bee or wasp? Our handy guide will help you know friend from foe. Learn what benefits or risks each creature brings and what to do about them if you notice them on your property.
Aggressive wasps can be unwelcome and dangerous backyard invaders with their painful stings. Learn how to prevent these pests and learn how to manage them with products from Best Bee Brothers.