Bug Facts

No-See-Um Bites Treatment

No-See-Um Bites Treatment

How to Treat No-See-Um Bites

No-see-ums are tiny flies, whose miniature size makes them very difficult to spot. Females are known for their bloodsucking habits as they need protein in order to produce eggs.

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If you happen to be bitten by no-see-ums, here are some natural treatment methods you can follow to help reduce the redness and swelling.Or head over to our No-See-Um Prevention blog for types and strategies on how to keep these tiny insects at bay. Be sure to check out our No-See-Um Bites vs. Bed Bug Bites post to make sure you know what kind of bite it is.

Use Essential Oils for No-See-Um Bites

Essential oils can provide a feeling of relief from the itching and swelling caused by the bite of a no-see-um. Some useful essential oils that you can use are lavender, tea tree, peppermint, and eucalyptus. Use only pure, therapeutic-grade oils, and don’t put them undiluted directly on your skin. Be sure to mix a few drops with carrier oils like jojoba or sweet almond, or aloe vera gel to avoid further irritating the skin. (Check out a helpful dilution chart and general common-sense safety tips here.) Consult with your doctor if irritation occurs.

Take a Cold Shower

Taking a cold shower can help with the itchy sensation left by the biting. Alternatively, applying a cold compress to the area may provide some relief. Cooling down the affected area will result in a mild numbing effect, as well as reducing any swelling that may have occurred.

Baking soda and water paste is a very common natural remedy.

Apply Rubbing Alcohol on Insect Bites

Using rubbing alcohol can help treat no-see-um bites as the alcohol dries cool. This sensation can help reduce the itching and disinfects the area. Do not use too much rubbing alcohol as it can further irritate the skin.

Baking soda and water paste is a very common natural remedy.

Mixing Baking Soda With Water To Make a Paste

Making a baking soda paste with warm water is a perfect home remedy for no-see-um bites. Gently apply the homemade mixture over the affected areas to help any inflamed areas of skin and reduce itching.

Take The Itch Out with an Antihistamine

Take The Itch Out with an Antihistamine

In the worst-case scenario, you can either apply a topical or take an over-the-counter oral antihistamine to help your body fight off the itching sensation. Antihistamines should help, but please proceed with caution if you have not taken one before, and consult your doctor if you have underlying conditions or concerns about taking any new medicines.

What Is the Fastest Way to Heal No-See-Um Bites?

Because no-see-ums are nearly impossible to see, they bite without warning! Before you know it, you can be covered in small red clusters on the backs of your legs, neck and other favorite no-see-um spots. If you find yourself receiving no-see-um bites, you’ll most certainly want quick relief for their itchy, painful bites.

What Is the Fastest Way to Heal No-See-Um Bites?


No-see-ums bite using a jaw-like mandible that slices open the skin, leaving a relatively larger surface area for the body to heal (compared to other biting insects). Most no-see-um bites heal within 1-2 weeks, but you might wonder if you can speed up the process.

The fastest way to heal no-see-um bites is to take good care of the affected area.

  1. Remove yourself from the area where the no-see-ums are biting you. For example, you may need to avoid a specific part of your yard. Minimizing the number of bites you have will make it easier to heal quickly.
  2. When you notice the bites, cleanse the area well using warm water and mild, antibacterial soap to create a lather. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry—don’t rub—to prevent any additional damage to your skin. Cleansing is important because it can remove some of the no-see-um saliva and prevent infection.
  3. Treat symptoms, and don’t scratch! Use any of the methods outlined above to relieve itching and discomfort. The last thing you want to do is scratch the bites because it can introduce bacteria from your fingers into the bites, causing an infection. Scratching can also cause microtears in your skin, complicating your healing process.
  4. Watch for signs of infection: redness around the bite area, swelling, warmth to the touch, red streaks extending out from the bites, fever or smelly drainage from any open areas. If you notice these signs, it’s best to see a medical provider immediately. Infected no-see-um bites will prolong your healing time!

Follow these simple tips for keeping your no-see-um bites clean and infection-free, and you’ll likely see them go away within a few weeks.

Watch for signs of infection

Relief for No-See-Um Bites

When nursing no-see-um bites on your skin, the most important thing to remember is to treat it gently. Avoid itching or picking as much as possible, and refrain from applying any harsh chemicals to the area, as they could further irritate your skin.

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Where Are Bed Bugs Found?
How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees

1 comment

Elizabeth Kafati

Elizabeth Kafati

I live in N.E. Georgia mountains and they got me bad, pus…

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