Differences Between Wasp & Hornets
Bug Facts

Differences Between Wasp & Hornets

One question we get all the time is how to tell the difference between wasps and hornets. All hornets are wasps, but not all wasps are hornets. In that sense, the term “wasp” refers to a broader ca...

WaspsWhere Do Wasps Go in Wintertime?

Where Do Wasps Go in Wintertime?

Do you ever wonder where wasps, bees and other insects that are active in summer go in the wintertime when they’re not buzzing around outdoors? Depending on where you live, harsh winter conditions ...

Chemical FreeHow to Get Rid of Wasps

How to Get Rid of Wasps

Wasps are any insect of the Hymenoptera family, which means they are different from ants and bees. They are generally more aggressive than the other two as they are naturally predatory and very pro...

About Carpenter BeesCarpenter Bees and Wasps

Carpenter Bees and Wasps

Do Carpenter Bees Keep Wasps Away or Vice Versa? During the carpenter bee season we get a handful of customers who experience wasps or hornets in their carpenter bee traps and aren’t sure what to d...


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WaspsWhen is Wasp Season?

When is Wasp Season?

Wasp Life Cycle: When Do Wasps Go Away? The sight of a wasp gets many people’s hearts racing. Their painful sting and menacing appearance drive many of us crazy during the summer. The most common w...