An Updated Carpenter Bee Trap
As many of us know, perfection is rarely achieved on the first try. Fortunately, at Best Bee Brothers we are more than happy to admit when there is room for improvement. That is why we decided to kick off the New Year by implementing a few design changes to our Best Bee Trap, based on your customer feedback.
While our response from customers has always been overwhelmingly positive about our traps’ ability to catch bees, we were starting to notice a few recurring themes among our veteran users - frustration with having to replace the plastic receptacle, the build up of moisture and gunk due to a lack of aeration, and a mild disgust at having to touch (ew!) all those dead bees.
We put our brains together; we knew that we could make a better design.
And so, we did.
Setting out to address your concerns, we have come up with a few new features that we know you are going to appreciate:

- Our new plastic receptacle is outfitted with an aerating base which serves two functions : reducing the amount of moisture build up in the container and allowing for a higher degree of pheromone transmission into the air.
- No need for replacement Part! Our new design uses a fixed receptacle eliminating the need for grommets and monthly replacement pieces.
- Even lower maintenance! Taking care of a full carpenter bee trap is a breeze - just pull the string or flip open the bottom lid and empty without having to worry about replacing the bottle!
With bee season just around the corner, we are proud to say that protecting your home has truly never been easier!